Friday, June 21 , 2013 - Tamas Jakkel (Cancelled)

Tamas is currently President of both the Hungarian Spaniel Association and the Hungarian Kennel Club's Judges' Board. He also holds positions on the FCI European Section and the FCI Judges' Commission, whilst maintaining his profession as a surgeon at the State National Medical Centre in Budapest.
In 1985 he became an FCI Show judge and an all rounder in 2001. Tamas has excelled as a breeder exhibitor of Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Dachshunds and Miniature Poodles. He has won numerous World, European and FCI titles with his Cockers and Dachshunds. Has judged at numerous World, European and FCI International shows at most of the major centres.He has judged in more than 50 countries on 4 continents, including many Europe and World Shows.
Member of the British Kennel Club since 1999, president of the Judges' Board of MEOE since 2000, member of the Judges' Committee of FCI. He was elected vice president of the FCI Europe Section in 2004. Judged Melbourne Royal 2006.
Friday, June 21 , 2013 - Shaun Watson

My grandfather was breeding Scottish Terriers in the 1940 and 1950 bred and showed dogs, even sending some to the USA for shows.
I bought my first dog a German Shepherd, when I was in German but later bought a Dobermans (1978), when I returned to the UK. I became involved in showing them, with some success and sending dogs to over 15 countries.
I have owned and showed Kerry Blue Terriers from 1988, I also handled a number of other breeds, I had good success in the show ring winning Championship Best in Shows, groups and many champions including BOB at Crufts and World Winner.
I was chairman and member of my breeds council for many years.
I started judging in 1984 in the UK and judged quite a lot until I moved to Cyprus, where I now judge. I have judged in a number of FCI countries and last year also judged in Australia and South Africa.
I have a few future judge appointments which I am looking forward to, including Crufts in 2014.
Saturday, June 23, 2013 - Goran Bodegard
Goran, fluent in German, Spanish, French, English, and Swedish, got his first show dog when he was 13 - a Deerhound. Spent some summers as a teenager in England working with dogs and getting his basic British dog know how.
He started breeding Greyhounds in 1966 after having bred some litters of Deerhounds. His greatest achievement was the Greyhound bitch bred in partnership with Bo Bengtson, CH Piruett, becoming dog of the year 1975 in Sweden. His Greyhound breeding covered for nine generations. He was co-breeding (and thus no prefix) producing some very important brood bitches and stud dogs and founding the dynasty of Scandinavian Greyhounds dominating the scene - and influencing the breed both in England and the States. Very important satellite kennels in Norway and Sweden. Very few top Greyhounds in this part of the world do not have dogs from this line in the pedigree.
Judging since 1966 - FCI all breed judge since 1997. Judged Crufts, FCI World shows, Australian Royal Agriculture Shows, repeatedly in England. BIS assignments in US, Europe, Australia, Asia, South America,. - Judging about 30 to 40 shows a year ( all over the world). Goran judged the AKC Eukanuba invitational USA, Eurasia show Russia and FCI Asian International Dog Show in Tokyo and Contest of Champions in England.
He has been president of the Swedish Greyhound Club and board member of the Swedish Sighthound Club- At present member of the central board of the Swedish K C, and chairman of the Standard Committee of the Swedish Kennel club. Member of the English Kennel Club. Has been and is an active writer in the Swedish dog press and also publications in England and USA. Taught breed seminars and chaired and moderated conferences in the sight hound breeds preferably. Prepared and chaired a general judges conference (more than 200 judges present!) in Sweden. Working with the development of the program about the risks of extreme types in show dogs jeopardizing the health and soundness. This has resulted in the document Breed Specific Instructions regarding exaggerations in pedigree dogs where 47 breeds listed.
Goran is a pediatrician, psychoanalyst and child psychiatrist (Stockholm Medical University of Karolinska) - semi retired - at present involved in research and clinical work with seriously ill and disturbed refugee children from central Asian former Soviet republics.
Sunday, June 22, 2013 - Marja Talvitie
Marja has lived with dogs all her life. In her childhood home they had German Shepherd Dogs as family pets. Her first show dogs were St. Bernards, but after she got married her husband persuaded her to get an easier outdoor breed - Lapponian Herder. Marja has bred Lapponian Herders and in a smaller scale Finnish Lapphunds under prefix Toiskan for 30 years.
In 1984 family Talvitie moved to Helsinki and they got a Scottish Terrier. In a little while they got another new breed, a Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Marja and her daughter Nina has bred this breed for 16 years under prefix Winterway's. After they moved back to countryside they bought two Bouviers from Holland.
At the moment Marja is a member of The Finnish Kennel Club's board, Chairmain of the FCI's judges' and show committee as well as a chairman of the Finnish Kennel Clubs judges' and show committee and Finnish Lapphund Club. Marja, fluent in Finnish, Swedish, English and Deutch, has judged in Finland and Scandinavia also in Europe, Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, Mexico and Peru.
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